“After many years of research on best practices for testing cannabinoids, I have come to the conclusion that KCA is the most advanced testing lab with the most sophisticated instruments and methods to make accurate determination of concentrations of cannabinoids.”

-- Dr. Andrea Holmes, Ph.D.

We recognize that regulatory compliance, brand reputations, and the safety of consumers rely on unbiased, reliable testing by experienced and knowledgeable scientists. We also recognize that independent, unbiased, objective testing has never been more important at every stage of the value chain in multiple industries, including the emerging hemp and cannabis industries.

The commitment to a science-driven approach to testing at KCA Labs means that your materials will be tested by scientists who have decades of experience in producing reliable and defensible results. We rely on validated methods of analysis, application of scientific principles, risk-based analysis, and appropriate statistical methods to achieve robust and reliable test results.

Science-driven analysis is at the core of our services. Our industry-leading staff have decades of experience in academic, industrial, and regulatory settings in diverse disciplines and businesses, including:

  • sports supplements
  • foods
  • tobacco
  • organic synthesis materials
  • performance horse samples
  • human toxicology samples
  • drugs and other pharmaceutical products
  • distilled spirits
  • electronic components

Our scientists also have a broad background in various scientific disciplines, with advanced degrees in:

  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutics
  • Molecular Sciences
  • Geosciences
  • Biology
  • Chemistry

As a result of this commitment to scientific principles, KCA Labs represents the gold standard for independent testing and research for clients across 47 states and 24 countries.